Minutes considered “DRAFT” until approved at the next regular meeting.
Bishop’s Committee Meeting
June 12, 2022
Attending: Dan & Anita Philbrick, Cathi & Herb Primrose, Les & Grace Chapman, Kelly Godfrey and Cheryl Webb-Laughlin
Minutes from the Annual Meeting were presented and approved by acclamation.
Cathi Primrose reported that at the end of May, there was a balance in the checking account of $16,556. We are up to date with our payments to the diocese for the mortgage, as well as the amount we pay Ft. John.
There is $280 in the homeless child fund that is dedicated to go toward the child’s needs, administered through the Rotary Club of Cassville, the Methodist Church and St. Thomas. Herb is the co-signer on the account for this.
Daughters of the King Chapter of St. Thomas will be responsible for ordering flowers for church members who experience a close family members death. There is a cup on the table during coffee hour for all of us to put change in that will help defray the expense for this.
We will host a potluck dinner on August 14, 2022, following the worship service with Bishop Diane Jardome Bruce’s visit with the parish. She will conduct morning worship and has indicated that she is available to stay for lunch with us. She will meet with members of the Bishop’s Committee following lunch.
Cathi reported that she is still checking on the bank getting a credit card for the church to use.
The need for a backup ministry plan was discussed. Ft. Chas Marks held a Zoom meeting on the work he is doing in supplying ministry needs throughout the diocese. Dan will talk with Fr. John about this and it was tabled until our next meeting.
With no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 12.36 pm.
Respecfully submitted
Cheryl Webb-Laughlin
Clerk of the Bishop’s Committee