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Minutes considered “DRAFT” until approved at the next regular meeting.

Bishop’s Committee Meeting
August 14, 2016

The August 14, 2016, meeting of the St. Thomas a’ Becket Episcopal Church in Cassville, Missouri, was opened with a prayer by Father Tim Coppinger.  Following the prayer, James Craig called the meeting to order and turned the floor over to Father Tim for some remarks.  He announced that there will be a Summer Summit this coming August (more information later).  Deanery Council meeting will be held at St. John’s in Springfield on August 20 from 1-4 p.m.  Delegates to Diocesan Convention need to be in attendance.  Anita stated that she was planning to attend and bring information back to the congregation.

Minutes of March 12, 2016:  Anita Philbrick, Clerk

Anita read the minutes and two corrections on dates were offered by Herb Primrose.  Minutes were corrected and Cheryl moved for their adoption with the corrections.  Herb seconded.  Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  James Craig, Senior Warden

In the absence of Dave Samuel due to a death in the family, Jim reported that all bills were current and deposits made.  Fr. Tim said that he will continue the conversation he has been having with the Diocese about helping with the financial accounting.

Junior Warden’s Report:  Herb Primrose

A.  Hymnal Board:  Herb reported that he has attached the hymnal board acquired by the DOK at Hillspeak during their quiet day to the wall and ordered numbers for it.  Cheryl suggested he also order some letters.  Jim thanked the DOK for getting this for the congregation.
B.  Furnace/Rug Cleaning:  Herb reported that he has noticed that the furnace filters are staying cleaner since the carpet cleaning.
C.  Painting of Inside of Church:  A local painter has been consulted about painting the church.  He suggested that the walls be scrubbed and painted with Kilz.  He presented the congregation with an estimate of $800 for the job.  Cheryl moved to table any decision on this until we have had a bit more time to investigate options.  Herb seconded.  The motion passed.
D.  Memorial Garden:  Herb mentioned how lovely the Memorial Garden and the yard looks and thanked Linda and Rex for their work.
E.  Altar:  Finally, Herb proposed that we place something behind the altar in the empty space.  A discussion ensued but no action was taken.

Old Business:

A.  DOK Update

a.  Food Pantry:  The DOK has been very active in assisting the local food pantry with ordering and picking up of hygiene products, making diaper runs to Springfield, and assisting in stocking shelves and food distribution.  Cheryl Laughlin, Anita Philbrick, and Fr. Tim work regularly on Thursdays and Cheryl also helps with Senior Box, while others help as needed with the shelf stocking , pick-ups and ordering.

b.  Study:  We plan to deepen our studies with a new book entitled The Exodus Christian, which will help us understand the personal struggles of those leaving mainstream Christian churches in the last few years.  Instead of a teacher/student situation, we will read and discuss the book with Anita serving as discussion leader.
Evangelism:  We are still looking for some good ideas.

c.  Financial:  Members have been faithful in providing financial support for special projects and monthly dues, so we have a little money set aside for projects at the local level.  Because of this, we were able to make a contribution of $50.00 to the Methodist Church nursery in the name of Jackie Samuel, David Samuel’s mother.

B.  Haiti:  Tim reported that others in EcHO are getting involved with the school projects in Haiti and asked if we are interested.  Herb moved that because of our financial situation, we do not try to take on anything more. Cheryl seconded. Motion passed.

C.  Refugees:  Cheryl report that helping with Episcopal Migration Aid is tabled for the moment because of lack of time and financial resources.  In addition,the Diocese has not expressed much interest in getting involved with this at this point.  A few remain interested and will continue to educate and find other ways to provide help.  She suggested that they still might make a trip to Wichita in the spring.

New Business

DOK has decided to adopt a college student and has asked the congregation to join in supporting this student.   During the time she is in college, the congregation will provide her with time, cards, visits, letters, emails, gifts, support, etc.  As our student is a sophomore, this will be a three-year commitment.  She is a student at Southwest Missouri State in Springfield.  We plan to start the relationship by meeting with her in September to get acquainted and find out what she would expect from us.

No further business being brought forth, Cheryl moved we adjourn and Les Chapman seconded.  Motion passed.  Adjournment was at 12:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Anita Philbrick, Clerk